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Web design is an art, merging technology with psychology. Your website serves as your brand’s silent representative in the digital universe, yet be wary: hidden dangers such as poor planning, user experience issues, or disregarding SEO could pose threats that undermine engagement, traffic, or reputation of your website.

We #StandWithUkraine.
Learn how you can help too!


We stand with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine. To support Ukraine in their time of need read below and also visit this page: Learn more

We don't know how long the war will last. But what we do know is that we can't stand aside and watch.

The fastest way you can help too is to support Ukraine financially. The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has opened a multi-currency account for that purpose. Learn more

This account accepts donations in US, Canadian and Australian dollars, euros, British pounds, Swiss francs, yuan and yen.


Also accepting cryptocurrency donations – the fastest way to help. Learn more

BTC – 357a3So9CbsNfBBgFYACGvxxS6tMaDoa1P

ETH, USDT (ERC-20) – 0x165CD37b4C644C2921454429E7F9358d18A45e14

If you want to volunteer in the army of Ukraine and help with deeds, then here are specific instructions how to do this: Learn more

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